So if you know me, you know that I LOVE to read. It is one of my favorite things to do when I have the time. I just did a poll on facebook of the top 100 books to read, and I have 22 checked...I would like to have all 100 checked! Anyway, my friends who know I love to read just sent me some books in the mail; and it looks like I have some reading to do!
My two best friends, Jill and Rachelle, sent me the book Room, a novel by Emma Donoghue.
My mom got me the book, Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Ted Tripp. Chad and I are reading this book together.
My friend Tarrah sent me the other books: So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore, Become Spiritually Beautiful by Sharon Jaynes, and Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George. If you can't tell what I struggle with, now you know :)
Tarrah also sent me the book, Belleza Extrema: Experimenta el poder transformador de Dios. Translated this means Extreme Beauty: Discovering God's Transforming Power. I plan to do this book as a study with the girls from the Eagle's Nest.
So there you have it! My book list for the next few months. We'll see how long it takes me to read them all!
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