I can't get enough of this boy! |
It's that time! Another monthly update on my little buddy. He continues to amaze Chad and I with his growth and development. The other day I was looking at him and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I came to the realization that he was turning into such a big boy. He wasn't a baby anymore! Although I guess he will always be my baby. And I don't think I could love this boy any more than what I already do. Yes, there are many challenges along the way, but there is also so much goodness that come with this little boy of mine. Each bear hug squeeze and puckered up kiss makes heart skip a beat and go pitter patter.
Here are some milestones for month 19. Again, there are some that he learned to do a while ago and have been repeated, but I am just following this milestone chart.
Mastered Skills: Uses a spoon and fork, runs, throws a ball underhand, enjoys helping around the house..
check to all!
Emerging Skills: Understands as many as 200 words (not sure how to measure this one, but he does know a lot of words), recognizes when something is wrong (e.g. calling his belly button a nose)...
check to all!
Advanced Skills: Washes and dries own hands with help, points to picture or object when you call it by name, may know when he needs to pee...
check to all!
Daddy helping Asher wash his hands. |
This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands! |
I walked into the office and found this :) |
My little buddy! |
It's true...I do love him! |
He is growing so fast! He is a spitting image of his mama. ;) Seeing him grow makes me miss him even more and all that he must be doing. :( Love and Miss you guys!