Saturday, March 19, 2011

1 and 1/2 Already!

Asher is officially 1 1/2 years old! I cannot believe he is only 6 months away from being 2...YIKES! I have to admit that I get scared for what is to come. All I hear is how terrible the terrible 2's are. And being a first time mommy, I really have no idea what I am doing. I want to be the best mommy for Asher. I want to love him the way he needs to be loved. I want to protect him the way he needs to be protected. And I want to discipline him the way he needs to be disciplined. But I honestly feel like I need to do some reading on what the best form of discipline is for this age, cause I have no idea. I just pray everyday that God gives me guidance and wisdom for how to raise this child whom I love so much. Cause one thing I do know..HE does know what's best. Here are some 18 month milestones for Asher. He has actually learned how to do some of these things before he turned 18 months, but he officially has them mastered now!

Mastered Skills: Will "read" board books on his own..check! Scribbles well...check!

Emerging Skills: Strings two words together in phrases...check! Brushes teeth with help...check! Stacks 4 blocks...check!
**Some words that he strings together: "lub blue" = "love you;" "ni ni" = "good night"

Advanced Skills: Throws a ball overhand...check! Takes toys apart and puts them back together...check! Shows signs of toilet training readiness...check!

1 comment:

  1. Your doing a fine job and you will continue to do a fine job mothering Asher. And don't worry too much about the terrible 2's...I thought the 3's were worse. ;)
