Whoever said that the whole "sleeping thing" will get better once they are older was seriously mistaken. Yes, Asher has his times of sleeping through the night and I can remember the times where he went a couple of months without waking in the middle of the night. However, Asher has never been the best sleeper when it comes to bedtime. He takes great naps during the day, which I am very thankful for, but nighttime is a different story. He wakes up at least once a night, and sometimes more. And I am not talking about '
awake for 20 minutes, rock me back to sleep' kind of awake...20 minutes I can do. But this is '
screaming at 12:30, mommy pick me up and hold me in your arms for 2 hours until I fall back to sleep' kind of awake. See the difference? Sometimes I am so done with it that I have to just let him cry (for like an hour!). This is not easy and it breaks my heart to do this. But I am at a loss and I don't know what else to do.
This has been a very frustrating and difficult time for me. When Asher doesn't sleep, mommy doesn't sleep. And if you're a mommy, you know what NO SLEEP can do to you! I have wracked my brain trying to figure out what it is that wakes him up. Is it too dark? Is he having nightmares? Is he too hot? I just cannot figure it out. I wonder too if he is just going through a phase. But shouldn't phases last like a week or two? At 16 months shouldn't he be consistently sleeping through the night? I guess I am a first time mom so this is all new to me. I have also been praying up a storm, wondering if God is trying to teach me something. I ask for guidance, wisdom, patience, strength, and energy. This has been a huge test for me. Sometimes I get so angry at God for not answering my prayer of just letting him fall asleep already. I try to remind myself that "this too shall pass," but that is not an easy thought when you are awakened at 2:30 in the morning by a screaming baby! So my prayers will continue and so will my thought of, "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
Ahh, the days of when he slept. |
It's a good thing he's cute! |
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