WOW! I am SO behind in the blogging world..of mine that is! With our trip home I just had no time to write. But here I am back at it. I would write about our trip home but I blogged about that on our Honduras blog at So I am going to catch up on the last two months of my sweet boy. I can't believe he is going to be 2 in less than a month! I made need an extra prayer or two as we enter the "terrible twos." But on the other hand, I am going to try and be optimistic and see them as the "terrific twos." :)
22 Months ~ Asher has really begun to talk a lot more. We noticed it a lot while at home in the states. I think it is because he was not confused with the two languages that he hears in Honduras. Anyways, we were amazed at how many words he had begun to pick up.
Mastered Skills: kicks ball forward, follows two step requests...YES!
Emerging Skills: does simple puzzles, draws a straight line, names several body parts...YES!
Advanced Skills: puts on loose fitting clothes, might be ready for a big boy bed, understands opposites...YES!
23 Months ~ A tantrum here and there, picky eater, not the best sleeper (still!), loves and I mean loves tractors..these are just a few things to describe our almost 2 year old!
Mastered Skills: names simple picture in a book, uses 50 to 70 words...YES!
Emerging Skills: opens door, sings simple tunes, takes more of an interest in playing with other kids...YES!
Advanced Skills: talks about self (likes, dislikes)...YES!, begins to ask "why?"...not yet, but that's okay with me :)