But as challenging as those times are, they are made up for when I receive hugs and kisses and "lub blue" (love you) moments. Or when Asher sees me crying, he rushes to me, clings on, and begins to cry too. Or when we are on a little walk and he reaches up and grabs my hand. Oh, I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Yes, the toddler stage is difficult, but also so rewarding. I love my sweet boy.
Mastered Skills: walks upstairs by himself, able to set certain goals (e.g. deciding to put a toy in a certain place). CHECK to all!
Emerging Skills: throws a ball overhand, kicks ball forward, stacks six blocks. CHECK to all!
*He learned to do all of these a while ago.
Advanced Skills: names simple picture in a book, can walk downstairs. CHECK to all!