Wednesday, May 18, 2011

4 Months Shy

That's my BOY! 
What a ham! 
We have a 20 month old! And what a rambunctious 20 month old he is! With each new month that comes and go's, I continue to be amazed at Asher's development. He is such a smart little boy! He continues to learn new words everyday, and even knows about 5 or 6 spanish words. He has learned how to match shapes; and just tonight he was matching the correct animals in his animal puzzle. I am one proud momma!
He always has to throw his garbage away. 

Mastered Skills: Takes off own clothes (he can pull his pants down), Dumps an object in imitation (such as throwing garbage away)...he actually just does the action instead of imitating :)

Emerging Skills: Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day, Can walk upstairs (but probably not down)...but he can walk down by himself, which makes me a little nervous sometimes!

Advanced Skills: May start exploring his body parts, draws a straight line (not a perfect one, but pretty close), names several body parts (eyes, ears, nose, teeth, hands, tummy, belly button).

If you look closely, you can see that one of my front teeth is shorter than the other one. Yep, I'm a little boy who climbs and falls and bumps. 
He just learned how to match shapes. Here he is concentrating very hard!  

Friday, May 13, 2011

He is My Teacher

I am always amazed at how God speaks to me, especially when I am least expecting it. After a very frustrating mommy morning, I felt discouraged and defeated. I have struggled with Asher's meal times for a while now. I worry that he is not getting enough nutritious food in his growing little body. That said, I have taken a liking to Jessica Seinfeld's book, Deceptively Delicious. Asher seems to like most of the things that I make out of there. So when I saw the recipe for Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins, I thought for sure he would enjoy his breakfast this morning. I also made scrambled eggs with cauliflower (which you cannot taste). But I put him in his highchair, placed his plate of goodness in front of him, and....nothing. He wouldn't even try it. And when I tried to give him a taste, he threw a fit. So the battle began. And I am not sure if it was harder on him, or me.

After this little fiasco, I prayed and asked God to please just teach me how to teach him. In fact, I pray that prayer a lot as a mommy. And today while doing my devotions I was comforted to hear God reassure me that He is my Teacher. In Isaiah 48: 17 it says, "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go." Just like a parent loves, teaches, and directs their children, so God loves, teaches, and directs us. I find peace and comfort in the fact that God is my Teacher. And what a great Teacher He is.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Papa and Grandma VISIT!!!

Last week we had the wonderful privilege of having Asher's grandparents visit. It was so great to have them here and show them our ministry. But it was even more fun for Asher to spend some time with his grandparents. Living far from family is hard for many reasons, but one reason is that Asher doesn't get to grow up with his grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. So we were very excited when we learned that Jim and Laurie (Chad's parents) were coming down to see us! It was an all too short week and hard to say goodbye again, but we find comfort in the fact that we will see ALL family in just 2 1/2 more months. Below are some pics of Asher with Papa and Grandma Baron. 

A new truck from grandma! 

Papa Jimmy and Asher. 
Grandma even gave me a haircut! 

All of us out to dinner on their last night, at El Patio. 

I love papa and grandma!