Having a little boy definitely keeps me on my toes. I swear this child is always on the go, and he is such a BOY! Asher started walking at 11 months and is now to the stage of running, and not gracefully I might add. This has lead him to make several "crashes and burns." There always seems to be a scrape on one of his knees, if not both. The only bright side of these little accidents is that I get to wipe his tears and kiss his "owies."
I have discovered that with every bump, bruise, and band aid comes a worried mommy. I have always been the type of person that worries about everything. It's a disease really. I worry that his scrapes will get infected. I worry that he isn't eating the right foods...or getting enough sleep...or bumping his head one too many times...and the list goes on. Since moving here, my mommy worries have probably amplified times a hundred! When we take him to the feeding centers, I am constantly worried that he is going to get lice. When I see him around stray dogs, which are very common here, I make a mad dash to do all I can to have him NOT touch it (dogs here are gross and full of who knows what). When I see another child pick him up and carry him around, I get nervous and command them to put him down (they weigh about as much as he does)! When we drive home after a 3 hour church service, I worry that he will fall asleep in the car and not get as good of a nap as he would in his own bed. Worry, worry, worry...it is my middle name!
BUT, God has been teaching me that HE IS IN CONTROL. There is nothing that worrying is going to accomplish in my life. In fact, it only makes me a nervous wreck and therefore, an unpleasant person to be around. So through His teachings and my devotions I came across some helpful information in my study Bible that I would like to share. They are the Seven Reasons Not To Worry and were adapted from the book of Matthew, chapter 6. Here they are:
- The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life. (Mt. 6:25)
- Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today. (Mt. 6: 26)
- Worrying is more harmful than helpful. (Mt. 6: 27)
- God does not ignore those who depend on him. (Mt. 6: 28-30)
- Worrying shows a lack of faith in and understanding of God. (Mt. 6: 31, 32)
- Worrying keeps us from real challenges God wants us to pursue. (Mt. 6:33)
- Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry. (Mt. 6:34)
This little climber always makes me nervous when climbing steps, especially when the steps are made of cement. |
Always putting something in his mouth. I guess the worse that could happen there is I will find it later, if you know what I mean :) |